Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Real Factors About Temper Tantrum

There are many real factors which makes child became temper tantrum, such as :

  1. A child is too tired, so that easy for them to feel annoyed and than difficult to control their emotion.
  2. A child is failed while doing something, so that they become mad or angry and difficult to control it. This situation could be worsed when they felt that his parent always compare him with another child or his parent has highly demand for his child.
  3. If a child has a desire, always be rejected and been angry with. Otherwise the parent force him to do something while he is playing a game. For example : order to eat. Maybe they never think that it could be a problem for their child in the future or next day. A child will think that he lost his ability and afraid of fight his parent’s demand. In the other side, he had to obey his parent’s order or command. This conflict will broken his emotion and someday it will blow up.
  4. Child with mentally development disorder, oftenly happened a temper tantrum. Especially, when he felt giving up to tell or express his desire to his environment.
  5. The most oftenly happened is a child adopt his parent’s deviate action while releasing their anger. If you care about your child development, better check your attitude and character as good parent.

With those many factors, hopely we as a parent know how to face it. When we really face it, we know what we could do.

The next article, I’ll try to give you a few thing that parent could do to face a temper tantrum. So see you on the next article.

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